Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reaction to Afghan star

The film was a little different from what I expected it focused a lot more on the culture then the American Idol spin off. It started out discussing the general culture of the area and how there are several different tribes in each area that are at war with each other. One of the neat things that is film did was it showed a transition of people voting across the boarders of their tribe. The other cultural key was the Taliban. Who for a wile was in control of the country. Another ethnic group that they are similar to are the Amish where they don't believe in TVs or Radios or any technology but unlike the Taliban the Amish don't kill you for expressing your self. It's a big deal in Afghanistan that you can sing or listen to any music in fact so the idea of a TV show where the main focus is singing is a big deal. A large up roar is caused when the last female contestant is voted off and in her final good bye song she dances. Afghanistan has come along way but it is still not allowed for people to dance and to pour salt on the wound she lets her head wrap fall off all on the nations largest live TV program. She receives several death threat but makes it home OK. Over all i enjoyed the film but in some parts it was a little dry

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